our mission
The Cloud Project is dedicated to clearing the skies of the dark clouds of child abuse that affect millions of children around the globe. We envision a world where every child is safe from harm and future generations can grow in a secure and loving environment. Every child deserves to grow up surrounded by care and opportunity. That’s why, with every purchase, 15% of your order is donated to trusted organizations working to protect children and end abuse. Together, we can safeguard children’s well-being, eradicate child abuse, and build a brighter, more hopeful future—one cloud at a time.
Causes We support
The Cloud Project is proud to partner with organizations that are at the forefront of protecting vulnerable children, preventing child abuse, and providing life-changing support to survivors. These dedicated groups are working tirelessly to create a safer world for children everywhere. With 15% of every purchase going toward these vital efforts, we are honored to contribute to their work. Below, you’ll find more about each of our partners and the incredible difference they’re making to clear the skies for children in need.
Child help
prevent child abuse america
World Childhood Foundation
child helpline international
Our Story
It all started with Marilyn. In the groundbreaking book in the field of trauma and its treatment, "The Body Keeps the Score", Dr. Bessel van der Kolk shares the story of his patient Marilyn, a powerful example of how trauma can deeply affect a person’s mental and physical well-being. Marilyn experienced severe trauma during her childhood, including physical and sexual abuse by her father. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk tells us, “The moment she heard her father’s footsteps in the corridor outside her bedroom, she would ‘put her head in the clouds’. When her father started to touch her, she made herself disappear. She floated up to the ceiling, looking down on some other little girl in the bed. She was glad it was not really her -- it was some other girl being molested”. The only way Marilyn was able to get through her father abusing her was by dissociating from her body and pretending she was up in the clouds whenever the abuse took place. She details her experience with this dissociation in the drawing below:
Now fifty years old, the abuse she experienced as a kid has led to significant psychological and emotional distress throughout her adult life as well as various symptoms associated with trauma such as chronic pain and severe anxiety. But Marilyn’s story is unfortunately not unique. Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse around the world. A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds in the United States. Approximately one in five children worldwide experience abuse or violence each year and five children die everyday because of child abuse.
Yet, in most cases, children are met with adult conspiracy of silence and disbelief when they reveal what has happened to them. Children grow up and live their lives feeling that they must have made the experience up or that they are exaggerating, ashamed of what has happened to them and thinking they are to blame for the abuse they experienced. As was seen with Marilyn, the consequences of child abuse have profound and lasting effects on individuals as they grow up including mental health issues, physical health problems, behavioral and social issues, cognitive and developmental impact, intergenerational effects, and even societal and economic impacts. It was after learning these hard truths that The Cloud Project was born.
The Cloud Project aims to clear the skies of the dark clouds of child abuse for children worldwide just like young Marilyn. Why should children have to suffer? How can people inflict such pain and torture on innocent lives? How can we stand by and do nothing?